Quality Report - Guatemala Santa Isabel Caturra Washed

About This Coffee

Santa Isabel is located in San Cristobal, in the upper regions of Alta Verapaz, very close to Coban - a wonderful region with remarkable mountains, rainforest and impressive flora. The soil of this region is mostly clay and limestone. Coban and its neighbouring areas are predominantly characterized by humid subtropical forests. The climate in the region is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and is often cloudy with only a few hours of direct sunlight. The farm’s altitude is 1,372 meters above sea level and the annual precipitation is around 3000 mm. Flowering takes place during April and June, and the harvest season is between December and March. Santa Isabel is a family business that started as a coffee plantation in 1875 when it was granted by Guatemala ́s President at the time to the great grandfather of the current owners, Luis Valdes. In 1890, the farm was sold, however, after decades, the Valdes family managed to buy Santa Isabel back in 1961. The coffee from Santa Isabel is now produced by the fourth and fifth generations of Valdes Family.

Farm Information

  • Origin: Guatemala
  • Region: San Cristobal Verapaz, Alta Verapaz
  • Farm/Coop/Mill: Santa Isabel
  • Producer: Luis Valdes
  • Variety: Caturra
  • Process: Washed
  • Altitude: 1400 - 1600masl
  • Harvest: December - March
  • Sourcing Partner: Langdon Coffee Merchants
  • Quality Score: 86

Roast Level: 


Flavour Profile

  • Aroma: Figs and Brown Sugar
  • Flavour: Orange, Jasmine, Fig, Brown Sugar
  • Aftertaste: Sweet Brown Sugar Aftertaste
  • Acidity: Orange and Mandarin-like acidity
  • Body: Jasmine, Figs and Plums
  • Balance & Overall: Overall a very clean and balanced coffee with strong florals and sweet aftertaste

Recommended Brewing Parameters

  • Espresso: 20g In, 40g Out, 27 Seconds
  • Milk-based (150ml): 23g In, 44g Out, 30 Seconds, 150g Milk
  • Pourover Filter (Chanho-Tornado): 15g In, 225g Out, 2 Minute 10 Seconds (45G Bloom, 30 Seconds)