Quality Report - Colombia El Diviso Bourbon Sidra Natural

About This Coffee
Last year, Harry from Bennetts(our sourcing partner) came to Sydney with this coffee. He introduced he would use this coffee for competition. And he won the 2022 Australian Brewers Cup Championship. When we had this coffee from Harry, we all knew he would smash the competition. Its intense strawberry and tropical notes were a sensational experience.
El Diviso Farm was founded in 1997 by Mr Jose Uribe Lasso in the Normandia district. It is about a 30-minute drive northwest of Huila's Brucellas, Pitalito region of Colombia. It spans about 14 hectares; at 1770 masl, the farm harvests just once a year – from October to December.
By 2022, Jose had encouraged his three sons (Jonathan, 29 years old, Adrian, 25 years old and Nestor, 23 years old) to participate in farm management and production. The three sons are very enthusiastic and actively working to introduce the latest manufacturing methods. In particular, the family is experimenting with long fermentation times, oxidation, anaerobic fermentation and re-application of mucilage juices to the cherry during processing.
All the coffee is handpicked at its most ripe stage, then naturally dried under controlled conditions and homogeneous temperatures to give durability to the coffee and preserve its quality. Surrounding the coffee plantation and mill, the family keep a large area of natural reserve that approaches 5 hectares, where they take care of and preserve the natural flora and fauna to ensure the diversity of the landscape.
Farm Information
Origin: Colombia
Region: Huila
Farm/Coop/Mill: Finca El Diviso
Producer: Jose Uribe Lasso
Variety: Sidra Bourbon
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1700 - 1800masl
Harvest: October - January
Sourcing Partner: Bennetts Coffee
Quality Report: (91/100)
Roast Level: Light
Aroma(8.5/10): Peach ice tea
Sweetness(8.5/10): Sweet, like pineapple juice
Flavour(9/10): Strawberry, pineapple, mango, kiwi, brown sugar
Aftertaste(8.5/10): Long aftertaste with brown sugar, chocolaty note
Acidity(8.5/10): Medium-high, tartaric acidity like kiwi
Mouthfeel/Body(9/10): Syrupy mouthfeel and medium body
Balance & Overall(9/10): Super complex coffee and exploding with fruity flavours starting from the aroma to the finish
Brew Methods