Quality Report - Colombia Luis Anibal Calderon Anaerobic Washed


About This Coffee

This coffee was grown by Luis Anibal Calderon at the farm Villa Betulia. This coffee was carefully hand-picked to select only the ripest cherries. Later, the cherries were fermented for 40 hours in an anaerobic environment. Then the cherries were pulped, gently washed, and sundried until ideal moisture content was achieved.

This microlot is 100% Caturron. This varietal is a rare mutation of Caturra was found for the first time in Acevedo, Huila. Growers started planting Caturron due to its resistance to leaf rust and high yield. But it wasn't until 2016 when Cofinet, with the help of some region growers, identified this varietal's exotic cup profile.

Farm Information

Origin: Colombia
Region: Acevedo, Huila
Farm/Coop/Mill: Villa Betulia
Producer: Luis Anibal
Variety: Caturron
Process: Anaerobic Washed
Altitude: 1500 - 1600masl
Harvest: January
Sourcing Partner: Cofinet

Quality Report: (88/100)

Roast Level: Light
Aroma(8.5/10): Floral, maple syrup 
Sweetness(8/10): Maple syrup-like sweetness
Flavour(8/10): Orange, apricot, floral, white peach, cacao nibs 
Aftertaste(8/10): Subtle spice note with cacao nibs finish
Acidity(8.5/10): Medium, citric acidity like mandarine
Mouthfeel/Body(8.5/10): Syrupy mouthfeel and medium body
Balance & Overall(8.5/10): It's well-balanced washed coffee. Luis Anibal processed this coffee through 25 hours of anaerobic fermentation, resulting in a beautiful floral aroma and clean, sparkling citric acidity, like orange and mandarine. 

Brew Methods