Quality Report - Ethiopia Guji Haro Lebetu Natural

About This Coffee

Welichu Wachu is renowned for its exceptional Microlots from Ethiopia. They achieve this by working with small-scale farmers who maintain garden farms. These farms benefit from a rich ecology of shade trees, fertile soil, and temperatures that range from 17 to 24 degrees Celsius, with an average of 20 degrees Celsius. The key to preserving coffee quality is harvesting the right varieties at the appropriate time, ensuring that the cup quality isn't compromised due to poor harvesting techniques or timing. Welichu Wachu's meticulous attention to detail is what sets them apart as a highly esteemed producer.

Farm Information

Origin: Ethiopia
Region: Uraga, Guji, Oromia
Farm/Coop/Mill: Welichu Wachu Estate
Producer: Smallholder Farmers 
Variety: Bourbon, Typica
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1900 - 2200masl
Sourcing Partner:


Quality Report: (87/100)

Roast Level: Light
Aroma(8/10): Bergamot, almond 
Sweetness(8/10): Honey-like sweetness
Flavour(8.5/10): Blood Orange, apricot, lemon, liquorice, milk chocolate
Aftertaste(8.5/10): Delicate sweet aftertaste with chocolaty finish
Acidity(8/10): Medium-high, citric acidity like apricot
Mouthfeel/Body(8/10): Round mouthfeel and medium body
Balance & Overall(8/10)

Brew Methods

[Link] Hario V60 Normcore Signature Chanho-Tornado Recipe

[Link] Hario V60 3 Pour Recipe

[Link] Hario V60 5 Pour Recipe

[Link] Hario Switch Simple Recipe

[Link] Clever Dripper Simple Recipe