Quality Report - Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Chelba Natural
About This Coffee
This lot is sourced from more than 700 farmers living in the Yirgacheffe, Gedeb district. Farmers delivery ripe cherries to the Chelba coffee station where they are carefully sored and immediately placed on raised beds and dried over a period of 15- 20 days.
These African raised beds are carefully constructed to ensure proper air circulation and temperature control for optimal, steady drying. Cherries are also turned on a regular basis to prevent damage via over fermentation and/ or mould growth. The cherries are stored at a local warehouse after the moisture is recorded at 11.5- 12% and then further processed (colour, density and screen size sorted) and milled ready for export.
Farm Information
- Origin: Ethiopia
- Region: Yirgacheffe, Gedeb
- Farm/Coop/Mill: Chelba
- Producer: Gebeyehu Mekonnen
- Variety: Heirloom
- Process: Natural
- Altitude: 2090masl
- Harvest: November - December
- Sourcing Partner: Utopia Coffee
- Quality Score: 86
Roast Level:
LightFlavour Profile
- Aroma: Floral Dark Fruits
- Flavour: Floral, Orange, Peach, Dark Chocolate
- Aftertaste: Dark Chocolate
- Acidity: Florals and Oranges
- Body: Stone-fruits
- Balance & Overall: Simple yet exciting coffee from Ethiopia with a Medium body and Citrusy acidity
Recommended Brewing Parameters
- Espresso: 20g In, 42g Out, 27 Seconds
- Milk-based (150ml): 23g In, 44g Out, 30 Seconds, 150g Milk
- Pourover Filter (Chanho-Tornado): 15g In, 225g Out, 2 Minute 00 Seconds (45G Bloom, 30 Seconds)