Quality Report - Kenya Endebess SL 28, SL 34 Natural


About This Coffee

The Endebess Estate is located in northern Kenya's Rift Valley, near the market town of Kitale in Trans-Nzoia County. The farm measures about 758 hectares, a third used to grow coffee. The varieties on the farm are predominantly SL28, SL34, Batian and Ruiru 11.

Harvesting occurs from October to December and is done by hand picking using local labour. The coffee cherries are picked at the peak of ripeness when the red hue edges purple. Right after picking, the harvest is hand-sorted for damaged or unripe cherries. The sorted cherries are then carefully spread in thin layers on raised beds, where they undergo a slow drying process lasting 21 to 35 days, depending on weather conditions. The cherries are meticulously turned four times daily to ensure consistent drying and prevent mould formation. They are also covered during the hottest hours of the day to protect them from damage and at night to prevent moisture re-absorption in cooler and more humid conditions.

The history of the Endebess Estate dates back to the 1940s when it was owned by the D'Ollier family. During their tenure, they processed and milled their coffee and provided these services to nearby small-scale farmers. In 1976, the farm was sold to Gatatha Farmers Co Ltd, who managed it until September 2011, when the current owners acquired it. The farm's management and owners prioritize the well-being of their employees, as demonstrated by initiatives such as sponsoring high school students and supporting the renovation of local homes. These efforts are anticipated to expand in the future, benefiting the community further.

Farm Information

Origin: Kenya
Region: Nzoia
Farm/Coop/Mill: Endebess
Producer: Kaitet Tea Plantations
Variety: SL 28, SL 34, Batian, Ruiru 11
Process: Natural
Altitude: 1600 - 1800masl
Harvest: October - December
Sourcing Partner: Bennetts Coffee

Quality Report: (87/100)

Roast Level: Light
Aroma(8/10): Stone fruit, prune
Sweetness(8/10): Vanilla-like sweetness
Flavour(8.5/10): Orange, stone fruits, prune, vanilla, milk chocolate
Aftertaste(8/10): Vanilla and milk chocolate finish
Acidity(8.5/10): Medium-high, citric acidity like orange
Mouthfeel/Body(8/10): Juicy mouthfeel and medium body
Balance & Overall(8/10): A juicy coffee from Kenya, not as acidic as but juicier than a typical Kenyan Coffee

Brew Methods