Quality Report - Neighbourhood Blend

About This Coffee

Eben (Ebenezer Mission Inc) is a registered NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) member and is a Non-profit Organisation that has been serving the local community since 2001, with the mission of serving and empowering children, youth and adults with disability. Eben focuses on loving and supporting people with disability by applying a person-centred approach to their services which includes clinics, support, job training, musical activities and opportunities.

Normcore Coffee is an official partner to provide job training to people in Eben. By getting trained, the people learn technical skills and knowledge about coffee so that they become able to work.

On the other hand, this coffee, Neighbourhood Blend is a part of our contribution to the community. Some part of the revenue that is made by selling this blend will be donated to Eben. Not only the job training is what we can do but also some financial support which helps the organisation should be followed to help people.

To maximise our help, this blend is designed to be suited to most of the brewing methods such as espresso, filter, milk-based coffee, stovetop, etc. It brings a little fruitiness like a grape and sweet vanilla and malt notes as well as a coconut finish. 

Farm Information

  • Origin: Brazil Natural + Ethiopia Washed
  • Best Ageing Window: 20-27 days
  • Best As: Black Coffee, Milk Coffee

Roast Level: 


Flavour Profile

  • Aroma: Vanilla and Malt
  • Flavour: Grape, Vanilla, Malt, Dark Chocolate
  • Aftertaste: Clean Dark Chocolate Finish
  • Acidity: Subtle Grape-like Acidity
  • Body: Plum (Vanilla and Malt on Milk)
  • Balance & Overall: A very balanced blend with Plum like sweetness

Recommended Brewing Parameters

  • Espresso: 20g In, 37g Out, 24 Seconds
  • Milk-based (150ml): 22g In, 40g Out, 32 Seconds, 150g Milk
  • Pourover Filter (Chanho-Tornado): 20g In, 280g Out, 1 Minute 40 Seconds (60G Bloom, 30 Seconds)